To their owners, felines will always be amazing creatures. So here are 10 facts about cats you may find interesting. 10. Nearly all cats are good climbers, but the margay of South America is one of the best climbers of all. It...
Category - Cats
Here’s What It Means When Your Cat Rubs Against Your Feet
As you come home after a long day at work, your feline welcoming committee greets you with waving tails, chirps of pleasure, and affectionate rubs. Although you may think your cat is trying to trip you up when she winds against...
How To Raise A Friendly Cat
If there’s one thing that all cat parents know, it would be that having a cat is like having a kid. There are a lot of responsibilities that you have to do, and the pressure of raising them right is hanging on your shoulders. And...
5 Tips for A Happy Indoor Cat
While cats are instinctive hunters, they don’t need to be outside to stay happy and stimulated. In fact, letting your cat outside opens the door to countless dangers and potential threats. Being hit by a car, attacked by an...
5 Amazing Tips on Getting Your Cat to Be More Affectionate
Contrary to what those tired old stereotypes say (cats are aloof; cats want to be left alone; cats don’t bond with people, etc.), many felines are total love bugs. Many cats crave affection from humans and will return the love...
7 Signs Your Cat Actually Loves You
Саts hаvе а rерutаtіоn fоr bеіng dіslоуаl, аt lеаst соmраrеd wіth dоgs. Ноwеvеr thаt саn bе аn unfаіr rерutаtіоn іn mоst саsеs. Yоur саt wіll оftеn shоw іts аffесtіоn fоr уоu, аnd іt’s іmроrtаnt tо knоw јust hоw іt dоеs sо...
6 Weird Reasons Why Your Cat Licks You
We people tend to imagine that when animals lick us, they are showing us their admiration. But, is that really precise, particularly when the tongue of your feline feels like it’s sanding your skin off? Or is there some...
The Weird 6 Cat Sounds Meaning
The house cat will talk more than the feral or farm cat, who will have a much smaller vocabulary. The house cat realizes that the spoken word is some importance to its human owners, as those owners will usually reinforce actions...
5 Best Cat Food For Indoor Cats
Obviously, cats are carnivores, so their diet should be predominantly meat-based but there are a few vegetables and fruits that you can give your cats that will have a lot of benefits for them or can just be a really good...
5 Signs Your Cat Is Trying to Communicate With You
From looking you dead in the eye before swiping your glass of water off the end table to intentionally leaving poop uncovered in what can only be described as an act of rebellion, maybe you’ve resigned yourself to the fact that...