99% of dog owners love their pet and sometimes consider him a family member in their own right. But...
10 Interesting Cat Facts That Will Surprise You
To their owners, felines will always be amazing creatures. So here are 10 facts about cats you may...
Top 10 Dog Breeds that Don’t Shed – Cute Dogs That...
Shedding is a completely natural process for dogs and other mammals. It’s how they get rid of...
5 Strong Reasons You Should Cuddle Your Dog More Often
Most dog owners would agree that you don’t need a reason to cuddle your dog more often — if...
This Is what Your Favorite Dog Breed Says About You
While most dog lovers love all dogs, we’d be lying if we said that we didn’t secretly (or in some...
6 Best Dogs for Emotional Support
They say dogs are man’s best friend. From the very beginning of recorded history, dogs have been...
The Right Way to Bond With Your Dog
Dogs are one of the best friends you will ever have, but that doesn’t mean your relationship...
6 Things You Should Never Do To Your Dog
Dogs really are a man’s best friend. They make us laugh, keep us company, and just make life better...
Senior Dogs: How to Care For Old Canines (5 Important Tips)
Gray hair, creaky bones and lots of midday naps…aging happens to the best of us and our dogs...
Here’s What It Means When Your Cat Rubs Against Your Feet
As you come home after a long day at work, your feline welcoming committee greets you with waving...
How To Raise A Friendly Cat
If there’s one thing that all cat parents know, it would be that having a cat is like having a kid...
10 Most Unique Mixed Dog Breeds You’ve Ever Seen
Most of the cutest dogs you will ever see are surprisingly cross-breeds or mix-breeds. You may have...
10 Fastest Dog Breeds in the World
Not all dogs are born with the need for speed, at least not in the same way that some pups seem to...
Does My Dog Know I Love Him?
Does my dog know I love him? You shower your dog with treats, toys and lots of belly rubs in the...
5 Reasons Why Your Dog Rolls Over To Show You Her Belly
Ever wonder why every time you walk in the door your normally alpha dog rolls over and shows you...
How To Get Your Dog To Love You More
The relationship you have with your dog can improve your life in many ways. Not only can it teach...
How to Get a Scared Dog to Trust You
Whether you’ve come across a long-time stray or a neighborhood pooch that’s escaped the yard...
5 Tips for A Happy Indoor Cat
While cats are instinctive hunters, they don’t need to be outside to stay happy and stimulated. In...
Why is My Dog Staring at Me?
You are just about to curl up on the couch with a blanket and your remote when suddenly…you sense...
How Do Dogs Choose Their Favorite Person?
Does your dog have a favorite person?dr marty dog tips Lots of dogs have a favorite human. Usually...
10 Ways To Avoid The Common Mistakes New Dog Owners Make
Getting your first puppy is an exhilarating feeling but most people are soon to realize that the...
The Fastest Way to Teach Your Dog to Come When Called Anywhere!
Does your dog glance at you with the equivalent of a canine grin and trot off in the other...
8 Dog Breeds That Are Known For Their Gentle Spirit
There are dog breeds with a very sweet personality, we characterize these dogs as being sociable...
How To Tell If Your Dog Trusts You
Let’s be honest: You probably love your dog more than you love some humans. You spend most of your...
5 Amazing Tips on Getting Your Cat to Be More Affectionate
Contrary to what those tired old stereotypes say (cats are aloof; cats want to be left alone; cats...
5 Amazing Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About Your Dog
does your dog really love you? can dogs eat pili nuts Probably that all relies on how you define...
9 Etiquette Tips For Dog Owners To Know
Dogs make a good company, dog owners understand how good it feels to walk with your loving pet...
Top 5 Most Dangerous Human Foods for Dogs
If you’re a dog owner, you’ve probably experienced the all-too-familiar scene of your precious fur...
10 Ways To Make Your Dog Happy
We, the dog owners always want to make sure that our dogs receive only the best in everything they...
Top 10 Cutest Dog Breeds — Small Cutest Dogs We Can’t Get Enough...
Whether you’re seeking your following friend or a furry family member, these small dog breeds are...
5 Surprising Facts About Dog Kisses
Is there a purer expression of love than when your dog licks your face? Well … yes, there can be...
Why Your Dog Should Sleep In Your Bed Every Night!
The relationship between Men and Dogs has always been special. Dogs are Dedicated, loyal and above...
7 Signs Your Cat Actually Loves You
Саts hаvе а rерutаtіоn fоr bеіng dіslоуаl, аt lеаst соmраrеd wіth dоgs. Ноwеvеr thаt саn bе аn...
9 Ways to Keep Your Dog Busy While You’re At Work
Looking for some easy ways to keep your dog busy and entertained? Keeping your dog entertained can...
6 Weird Reasons Why Your Cat Licks You
We people tend to imagine that when animals lick us, they are showing us their admiration. But, is...
The Weird 6 Cat Sounds Meaning
The house cat will talk more than the feral or farm cat, who will have a much smaller vocabulary...
Top 5 Signs Your Dog Misses You While You’re Gone
It’s always hard to say goodbye to your dog, whether you’re off to work for the day, or leaving...
5 Best Cat Food For Indoor Cats
Obviously, cats are carnivores, so their diet should be predominantly meat-based but there are a...
Top 10 Laziest Dog Breeds You Can Get as a Pet Companion
Don’t you just love dogs? What I really love about them is that they have very funny traits that...
5 Ways How To Show Your Dog Love That They Can Understand
To say that I love my dog would be an understatement. I adore him. He is one of the best things in...
The 10 Most Affectionate Dog Breeds
Are you attracted to super cuddly dog breeds, looking for the sticky doggie that overwhelms you...
Top 5 Benefits Of Turmeric for Dogs
Do you have some Turmeric sitting in your kitchen cupboard? dog health insurance And did you know...
Top 10 Smartest Dog Breeds
If you want an intelligent companion, get one of these breeds. are poodles the smartest dog Dogs...
5 Signs Your Cat Is Trying to Communicate With You
From looking you dead in the eye before swiping your glass of water off the end table to...
5 Signs Your Dog is Happy
We should always feel really happy with our pets, but often don’t know for sure if our furry...
5 Amazing Facts About Your Cat’s Sleeping Habits
Whether she stays put or moves every few hours from your bed to a sunny windowsill to the cool...
How To Make Your Dog Live Longer
Just like humans, a dog’s health is dependent upon his lifestyle, not by some extreme measure or...
Top 10 Happiest Dog Breeds
Who doesn’t love happy dogs? We know when they are happy because their body language and voices...
10 Best Dog Breeds for Seniors
Dogs are wonderful companions to people in every stage of life. Just because one has grown older...
7 Fun Ways to Tire Out Your Dog
Is your dog in constant motion? Is it impossible to calm her down, no matter how many walks she...
7 Dogs With Absolutely Breathtaking Blue Eyes
At whatever point we take a gander at any puppy, we simply go aww! In any case, there is...
8 Typical Things Cat Owners Do That Can Break a Cat’s Heart and...
If you own a cat, then you know that cats are pretty independent when it comes to their care. They...
6 Signs Your Cat Is Happy
There is nothing more soothing than having a happy cat, curled up on your lap purring gently, and...
How To Make Your Dog Loyal
There is something special about coming home from a long day and being met by the family dog. Those...
Top 10 Most Loyal Dog Breeds
When it comes to choosing a dog for you family, many people look for the quality of being loyal...
7 Ways To Read Your Cat’s Mood
While decoding cat speak can feel impossible at times (Why did he just twitch his tail? What’s that...
How To Stop A Kitten From Biting
Most of the time, kittens want to play and cuddle. But every once in a while, they sink their tiny...
7 Easy Tips To Ease Separation Anxiety in Your Dog
Most dogs will be sad, even bark or whine when you leave the house. It is completely normal as long...
8 Warning Signs That A Dog Is Dying
This is probably the hardest thing for us to accept, that our dog has become old and it’s...