
How To Make Your Dog Loyal

There is something special about coming home from a long day and being met by the family dog. Those of you who are dog owners know exactly what we’re talking about.

Loyal dogs are dependable and they will want to spend time with you when nobody else does. They don’t judge their owners by anything other than the way that they are treated by them. Loyal dogs are there when you’re happy and when you’re not. They serve as companions and playmates. Having said this, not all dogs are loyal so the issue becomes, how do you instill loyalty into your dog? which dog breed is most loyal and protective

Here are top 5 tips on how to make your dog the most loyal pet possible:which dog breed is most loyal and protective

5. Show him that you are the leader

 which dog breed is most loyal and protective


Because dogs are pack animals and they will follow the leader by nature this is one of the first things that you need to do. Establish your alpha status with your dog and he will understand that you are the boss. He’ll naturally follow your lead. This doesn’t mean that you need to bully your beloved pet, it just means that you need to be loving yet firm. Once he understands that you are the “leader of the pack,” so to speak, he will have a greater level of respect and loyalty towards you. Establish your position as pack leader by asking your dog to work. Take him on a walk before you feed him. And just as you don’t give affection unless your dog is in a calm-submissive state, don’t give food until your dog acts calm and submissive.

4. Trust inspires loyalty

 which dog breed is most loyal and protective

When you bring a new dog into your home it may take time to form the bonds of a loving relationship. Puppies are the easy ones because they are naturally dependent, but adult dogs may have a harder time learning to trust, especially if they have been neglected or abused by a previous owner.

Establishing trust is vital between a dog of any age and their owner if there is going to be a degree of loyalty. The way to help a dog understand that he can trust you is to not do anything that would shatter his faith in you. This includes hitting, yelling or depriving him of food, shelter or affection. Provide the dog with what he reasonably needs and if you have a bad day, avoid taking it out on him.

3. Be selective about the breed that you choose

Some dog breeds are naturally more loyal than others. If you are at the stage of considering a new pet, do your research so you will know which dog breeds tend to be more eager to please. Most dogs are this way but there are a few types that have a tendency to be more independent. This is not to say that they won’t be loyal to you, but there is a better chance of increasing loyalty by going with a friendlier breed to begin with. Also consider whether you want the dog to be more loyal to you, or a single member of your household or if you want them to be a family dog with strong ties to the entire family.

2. Be mindful of your dog’s emotional state

It’s amazing how many people do not stop to consider that dogs have a certain level of understanding and intelligence, and although it’s not as high as in most humans, they process thoughts and emotions. They feel pain, comfort, happiness, sadness, depression, fear, confidence, trust distrust and a range of other emotions.

Most dogs are a lot smarter than people give them credit for so it’s important to assess where your dog is at emotionally. For example, if you have a dog who is fearful of you, it’s best to coax gently, but don’t force intimacy. Let him come to you on his own terms, but do keep trying. An abused dog who is experiencing anxiety may need time and space to heal. Once he discovers that you are not a person that hurts him or treats him badly, he’ll begin to come around on his own. Every dog is an individual and it’s important to treat them as such. When he comes to trust you, then he will be more loyal to you.

1. Use only positive reinforcement for training

Positive reinforcement techniques are by far superior to threatening or intimidating your dog. Physical punishment and yelling will either create a dislike between the dog and you or it will break your pups spirit. In order to have a well-rounded dog, it’s important to train them with firm consistency and avoid hitting or screaming because it is counterproductive and could lead to distrust and a lesser degree of loyalty.
